Angry Bull Trails Receives $4.1million to build stage 1

Tenterfield is well on its way to becoming an internationally recognised mountain biking destination and adventure tourism hub, with the announcement from the NSW Government’s $4.1 million to build stage one of Angry Bull Mountain Biking Trails.

Scott Barrett, Joseph Smith & members of Tenterfield Saddlers Mountain Bike Club.jpg

Made possible by the NSW Government’s Regional Tourism Activation Fund, stage one (116km) of adaptive and inclusive mountain biking trails will be built in and around Tenterfield and the development of a trail centre in the CBD.  At completion, Angry Bull Trails (ABT) will be the longest network of mountain biking trails in Australia.

Nationals Upper House Member Scott Barrett, who was in town on Wednesday to announce the funding, said the project will place Tenterfield and the wider region on the map as a nationally significant mountain bike destination. “This project will see 177 kilometres of world class trails for mountain bike riders of all abilities, including adaptive trails and tracks for walkers,” Mr Barrett said.

These trails will provide visitors with a year-round adventure tourism experience and a unique opportunity to explore Tenterfield’s spectacular landscapes and region, and will open the doors for Tenterfield Shire to become an adventure tourism hub. The project will ignite economic development opportunities of adventure and cycling tourism in a location with amazing natural assets and a rich cultural history. First, Peter Allen and the Saddler put Tenterfield on the international map, now Angry Bull Mountain Biking Trails will continue the legacy.  In particular, Tenterfield will be known as an adaptive rider hub, ensuring trails and all associated infrastructure are accessible for riders of all abilities.

Project Director, Joseph Smith, said that “at the core of the ABT project is social enterprise and providing education and training opportunities for local youth. ABT has partnered with BackTrack Youth Works and TAFE NSW, to provide training courses and employment in the fields of trail construction, maintenance, operations and adventure tourism.” This partnership will also provide practical and engaging employment opportunities for youth who are disengaged from mainstream education, training and work.

Once operational it is calculated Angry Bull Mountain Biking Trails will attract at least 35,000 additional visitors to Tenterfield each year, generating $4.3M of additional tourist expenditure annually and another 25 jobs in the Tenterfield economy. There will be significant opportunities for additional support businesses to emerge, including mechanics, bike sales and repairs, cycling tours, accommodation, hospitality, retail, professional services, local crafts/souvenirs, shuttle/bus services, adventure/camping gear, sports clothing/apparel, cultural tours, and events.  There is the potential to link with trails and business in other villages in the Tenterfield Shire and surrounding areas, including Drake, Liston, Urbenville, Jennings, Stanthorpe, Kyogle and Glen Innes.

This project would not be possible without the support of the Tenterfield community, and ABT’s numerous project partners. ABT would like to extend their sincere thanks to the following partners and organisations:

  • Barnaby Joyce – Federal Member for New England

  • The Hon. Scott BARRETT, MLC – NSW Government

  • Janelle Saffin MP – State Member for Lismore

  • Regional Development Australia Northern Inland

  • Minter Elllison (pro-bono legal services)

  • Moombahlene Aboriginal Lands Council

  • BackTracks Youth Work


  • NSW Forestry Corporation

  • NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service

  • Crown Lands & Local Land Services

  • Tenterfield Shire Council

  • The Tenterfield Saddlers Mountain Biking Club

 The project team has worked tirelessly for the past 3 years to bring this project to fruition. Next steps include community information sessions (February/March 2023), consultation with landowners and development of curriculum with BackTrack and TAFE NSW enabling the social enterprise to drive the economic development and job opportunity for Tenterfield’s Youth. It is anticipated building will commence in Spring 2023, and stage one of Angry Bull Mountain Biking Trails will be completed early 2025.


Community update - August 2023


Angry Bull Trails funding news makes National TV.