Community update - August 2023
Please see below for an update on everything the ABT team has been working on for the past couple of months, and what we have coming up over the next few months.
Grant Update
Regional Tourism Activation Fund - although the funding was announced in December 2022, the execution of the grant deed and release of funding was only achieved in May 2023. ABT thanks the NSW Department of Regional Development and all our project supporters for entrusting ABT to deliver this exciting project.
Since the funding was received, ABT has continued with community consultation, engagement with land managers and traditional owners, and is focusing on completing the environmental impact assessment and detailed trail design.
Operational Funding - the $4.1 million received from the Regional Tourism Activation Fund will enable ABT to build 120km of trails, trail head infrastructure and fit out a Trail Centre & Community Hub, however additional funding is required for operational funding (trail maintenance, staffing, trail centre overheads and social enterprise setup etc.). ABT is in the process of seeking additional grant funding, corporate sponsorship and fundraising (through merchandise sales & donations) to begin raising these operational funds.
Community Engagement & Consultation
Youth Week April 2023 - in partnership with the Saddlers Mountain Bike Club and Tenterfield Shire Council, ABT delivered a youth skills workshop and introduction to mountain biking. With 17 kids ranging in ages from 8 to 16, we setup a number of drill stations and took the kids through various skill development activities. The group then did a ride through town along the bike pathway.
Youth Precinct Opening June 2023 - ABT attended the Tenterfield Shire Council Youth Precinct Opening to build and support the Tenterfield mountain biking and youth community, and we were delighted to see so many youth in attendance on the day enjoying the new facilities (including skate park, pump track and skills track). Congratulations to Tenterfield Shire Council on this great new facility for town.
Fire to Flourish Community Gathering July 2023 - ABT attended the Fire to Flourish Tenterfield Community Winter Get Together, organised by BackTrack Youth Works and supported by 10 community organisations (BackTrack Youth Works, Tenterfield Social Development Committee, TAFE NSW, Fire to Flourish, OzFish Unlimited and more). This was a great event to build community and support other likeminded social enterprise organisations.
OzFish Unlimited Youth Fishing Day July 2023 - ABT attended to assist the team from OzFish with putting together a great day of fishing for Tenterfield’s youth at the dam. A beautiful winters day on the dam, although no fish were caught. We look forward to the dam opening for recreational use in the future.
Social Enterprise - Education, Training & PARTNERS
A key goal of ABT is to support and co-create education and training programs for job opportunities generated by this project, both now - in the lead up to development of the planned trail network and hub and well into operations phase - covering trail maintenance, hospitality, retail and more.
Education Partners
ABT continues to work with TAFE NSW to development skills training pathways and curriculum that will enable Tenterfield’s Youth to gain skills and become job ready when the trails are open and we welcome new visitors!
Angry Bull Trails, TAFE NSW and our Trail Building partners are putting together a course that will teach trail building skill based on the International MTB Association (IMBA) and Auscyling Australian Mtb Trail Guidelines.
ABT is working with Griffith University to participate in the Impact Enterprise Lab as part of a course delivered by their Business School. Students visited Tenterfield early August to gain first-hand knowledge of the region. Students met with members of the Saddlers Mountain Bike Club, visited the new Youth Precinct and BackTrack Youth Works Tenterfield Headquarters.
ABT is working with students to address the following key challenges:
Challenge 1: How can ABT create a business model and organisation that enables a range of short and long term capital raising options?
Challenge 2: How can ABT strengthen relationships with local community, government, and commercial networks to become a significant purpose driven enterprise in the region?
Challenge 3: How can ABT become a regenerative and inclusive tourism operator in the future?
Skills & Training
TAFE NSW sponsored a Statement of Attainment in Chainsaw Operations – Basic Tree Felling attended by 7 students in June 2023
TAFE NSW sponsored a Statement of Attainment in Bulldozer & Excavator Operations attended by 9 students in July 2023.
TAFE NSW will be sponsoring a Statement of Attainment in in Front End Loader and Skid Steer coming up in October 2023.
We encourage anyone looking to upskill in food service (including hospitality and catering) to contact TAFE about any upcoming courses.
Trail Design & Planning
Consultation with Land Managers (State Forestry, Crown Lands and NSW National Parks) is well underway and the ABT project team is working through the permits & approval requirements. These include Review of Environmental Factors, consultation with Traditional Owners and User Groups to ensure a collaborative and inclusive approach.
ABT has appointed a Native Title Lands Advisory Service “Landsas” to undertake an evaluation of all public land parcels to ascertain the status of Native Title and to identify the Traditional Owners with an interest in the lands. Consultation with these parties is now underway.
A Proposal to Trail Builders is currently being compiled and tenders will soon be requested from qualified trail builders, to work with our team and the local community to develop the trail network! We’re looking to appoint a trail builder by October 2023.
Trail Centre & Community Hub
ABT have sought Expressions of Interest from building owners within the town centre for the location of the Trail Centre & Community Hub. This was advertised in the Tenterfield Star, through the local Real Estate Agents, and via the ABT Website and Social Media Channels (Facebook & Instagram). Expressions of Interest closed 14 July 2023.
An independent working group has been established with a number of local community members, who will review all EOI’s and make a recommendation to the ABT Board for the location of the Trail Centre.
Once a location is selected, the design will need to be completed and a Development Approval obtained from Tenterfield Shire Council.
Project Partners
ABT and our community has achieved success to date through the guidance and assistance of numerous project supporters and partners - “Many hands make light work”.
ABT is seeking to expand our collaboration and identify new project partnership opportunities. If you or your organisation shares our goals and objectives, a desire to create some amazing trails, while providing economic benefits and employment opportunities for youth, then reach out and let’s explore the possibilities.
“With social enterprise at its heart, our goal is to generate long term,
sustainable economic growth and create employment
opportunities for young locals, while becoming the best adventure
tourism destination in Australia.”